
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ron's Family Pictures

Our family has know Ron and his boys for a long time!  Another friend who I had taken pictures of some of their kids before, told Ron maybe I could take some pictures that he wanted with his boys.  I had so much fun...I thought I did pretty good.  I actually felt a little confident and communicated with them...ok.  : )  I still am learning and need MOOORE practice!!!  I wish I could get more photography jobs...: (

I am so thankful though for Ron picking me to take his pictures.  If you are willing to work with me as I learn...check out my facebook page.  I live in Kansas, so if you don't live in KS then it won't be worth checking out unless you like looking at pictures like I do. ; )

Now finely to the pictures!  Oh, and I was going to say...these guys naturally posed pretty well!!!
Here you go... 

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