
Monday, August 22, 2011

Pictures I took today!

Some pictures from this afternoon...

Some weeds!  Makes for a fun picture though. : )

This is my favorite one of these.  I loved how it turned out!  I took this one in raw, and editing is sooo cool!  The bead bracelet was made by a lady in Kenya.  Mom stopped at a fresh market in town, called, "Jubilee Market."  She found out that they are Christians and the lady that is doing this, is right now in Kenya.  She goes every year or something for a month, and helps at an orphanage there in the, "bush."  Anyway they had some things there that people in Kenya had made.  Mom bought two bracelets, and a carved wood paper opener with a elephant carved on the top.  It's funny the bracelet, looks like something they would ware...I don't know much about Kenya though. : )  

My siblings were practicing baseball...action shots!

Haha... : )

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