
Friday, January 11, 2013

Introducing ~ Focus Friday!!!

Wow, what a few months!!!  It's been so much fun since we helped move G&G S., having them so close to stop for lunch, have them over for dinner and lots of other things!  I started my first job...which is going well, and I start 4 days next week!  ; )  I am not looking forward to having to get up and 5 every morning, but I am excited to have a challenge and be earning double what I was since I am doubling my days!!!  I am so blessed and I know God worked this job out for me!  It is so is just about as perfect as it could get! ; )  Sooo...I WILL have friday's off, and I had this idea that I could post a picture every FRIDAY!  I know that I thought I could try and do that every day and that never happened, and now it will working I KNOW that won't be happening. ; )  Working just takes a lot of time away with getting up early, being tired after you get home.  I am realizing what it is like to work, and that I don't really like it!  I don't think I will ever like going to work, I guess because I have been home all my life I just like that so much better...I was so blessed!  So, back to this morning I then thought of what I could call these picture posts, and I thought of Fabulous Friday, Fantastic Friday.  Then I though of Focus Friday!  Maybe partly because my boss, Evy wrote on her blog about being focused on Christ and her family...I really liked that post!  But any way I thought it was perfect, focus is a photography term and I am going to be posting pictures that I took that week!  I decided on that name so here goes the first...and hopefully not the last...; )

Focus Friday!!!

Yesterday I was at work, and it rained pretty good in the morning and was an overcast day.  I saw outside the window at work that the bush had all these water drops all over the branches!  I thought it would be fun to try and take some cool pictures of them, so I called my Mom at break and when she came to pick me up after work, she brought my camera and I took some pictures!  It was a kinda hard to get it in focus with the branches being so small....but what an amazing picture happens when it is in FOCUS!!!'s the same way with our life as well!!!!  When our life is focused on Jesus, our life is a BEAUTIFUL picture!

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