
Friday, January 25, 2013

Focus Friday!

Here is what I decided to take a picture of today for Focus Friday!!!

*Click to see bigger and clearer! (is that a word? ; )
The picture didn't quite turn out the way that I wanted, but with a little editing it got a
little closer to it! ; )  This is the center piece that I came up with one day to put on our dinning room table.  (I think it will be fun to buy stuff and decorate when I have a house of my own!!! ; )

So...this was my second week of working four days and it went fine!  I'm not ready to go back next week yet...but maybe by Monday I'll be rested up! : )  Today Robert wanted to play basketball with me so I went out and shot baskets with him.  It was actually fun!!!  Robert said, "let's play pig!" I didn't really want to cause I figured he could shoot better and farther than I could and I would loose.  But...we did play pig and....he won the first game then I won the second game!  During that game that I won, I had the lead shot and it was P-P.  I shot from the spot by the fence that is not to far away from the basket, and at like a 45 degree angle...I made it....Robert made it...I made it...he made it...I don't know how many times we both made it but it was a lot!  I was trying to put the presser on and make him miss! : )  And it was kinda to fun to stop, I was like let's see who misses first!! ; ) I can't believe that we made that many...just right after the other! : D  I was the first one to miss though.  But then a little bit later Robert missed so I had the lead shot again, so I went back to that spot. ; )  AND, I ended up getting the point at that same spot...just a little latter! ; ) I was like, "I had to earn that one! 
Then Robert won the next game (the third and final game)...he said lets play one more since we had both won a game, and that person will be like the champion.  "Ok," I said, "I'll go with that!"  "At least I won one game!!!"  I was thrilled when I won that game! ; )  I threw the ball up in the air! : D

Then this afternoon, Jonathan was wanting to sew a number seven onto one of his t-shirts to make a jersey.  I didn't realize what he was doing at first, but he was cutting out the number from one of Dad's old t-shirts and laying out pieces on his shirt to make the number.  I was wanting to fix the hem on one of the shirts that Robert didn't want and I had gotten, so I went ahead and got my sewing machine out!  One of those creative adventures that sounded kinda fun...I didn't know if my sewing machine would even do the zig-zag for the edge of the number, because one time I thought I tried to do some of the fancy stitches and I couldn't get it to work.  But, it did work!  I did my shirt first because there was the dark blue thread still on from when I made my skirt...the one with the ruffle and lace around the bottom!!!  Then once I got that done, I worked on Jonathan's shirt.  Mom said that we could just sew around the number first with just a straight stitch, then go back around and do the zig-zag around the edge.  So, I did that and me and Jonathan decided that maybe we would just leave it that way, but then I did the zig-zag across the number, in this one place where the number over lapped, and we thought it looked so cool that maybe we COULD do it all the way around!!! ; )  So, I did and it turned out pretty good!  We had fun...I wasn't eve sure if we would be able to do it.  I didn't know if you would be able to sew up there on the shirt, and not have problems.  But, you could!  <3 Jonathan would hold the thread and bobbin thread while I got the shirt all pushed under the foot and positioned...and keep holding it till I started sewing! ; D  I thought that taking a picture of MY sewing machine would be fun, sooo that might be next week's, "Focus Friday" picture! ; )

That's all for now! took long enough! ; )  But, it's always fun to go back and read what you it's worth it! : )
~ Sarah

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