
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fall 2011 Stuff

There was a special at Vistprint on their "premium" business cards, and so I ordered them.  I could have gotten free ones, but I couldn't have gotten my picture on it.  Anyway, I waited impatiently for them...the first like week after I had ordered seemed like it had been longer, but they still didn't ship for almost two weeks! They shipped on Monday, and did't get here till Sat...we picked them up on Sunday because we went to Liberal to see our Uncle and cousin.  That was fun...

I also have found a printing Lab that I really like...It makes it really easy to place orders, the shipping is  really good, AND you can ship to your customers!  I placed an order on Wed. I think and they came that very Sat!  And that was the free shipping!  The prints turned out awesome, the quality is great and their prices are not to much more than some cheap place.  BUT, this led to me finding out that me laptop computer screen was not showing the coloring the same as it printed, and our desktop computer.  We couldn't find that there was any place to change the screen settings, besides the brightness, and the Gamma.  One night I was hooking up my laptop to our tv(to watch some Sig Sound) and in trying to find where to get the screen to show up on the tv, I accidentally found a place to adjust a ton of setting for my laptop screen!  So it was good that I ran across this by accident!  So..I think it is pretty close to the way it printed, and it might just be the closes I will get. : )

I went out side to take a picture of my ~Sarah Graham Photography business cards, and of course, ended up taking pictures of other things...and Rachel. ; )   

The above picture is my laptop background

Love this one!

Like this one too!

I used the pop up flash on this is fun experimenting!  I love how it turned out...I have a cute "model."  : )

I read an interesting...article not sure I would agree with everything but interesting and something to think about.  It is so hard to know how to handle a photography small business, especially just starting out! : p

This morning I read Bethany's Blog post with more details on her pregnancy!  It was sweet...
Here is how she announced it first on her blog...

A side note: Grandpa G. got us a ping pong table, which they brought when they came on Saturday to leave for Liberal.  We they just put it in the garage, and then when we got home Sunday, Dad and Robert got it into the basement.  Dad wasn't to trilled for sure, because it would take up so much room in the basement.  It is really big...but it is also Big fun!  It is kinda more like playing tennis.  We have had lots of fun with it so far....we played Dad last night and found out how bad we are. : )

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