
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wesley and Horse Painting!

The other day I had fun looking at a big map bookwith Wesley(his idea).  We tried to find pictures of different things like, cows, TRACTORS, wheat, corn, and cotton.  I wanted to capture this, so here is a cool picture.  
: )

Two nights ago, I had this idea of a really orange background, and a silo-wet  I had seen some pictures that my friend Courtney had taken on facbook, and I think that is where the idea came from.  It was late at night when I though of this painting and I thought it would be fun to stay up till midnight and have a painting session. : ) I decided to use Courtney's picture to copy in the painting.   I didn't stay up till midnight though: )...I did it the next day (yesterday)!  It turned out awesome and I like it!    

 Here is the original picture, this is Courtney and her horse.  Courtney is a photographer(Zao Photography) and here is her blog.... can go to her website and visit her on facebook by clicking on the buttons on the top bar.

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