
Thursday, August 11, 2011


This week the rest of the kids started school with Mom...I'm done with high school. Yes...  Although I still have most of my learning to do!  It might be formal AND informal "school" but it is learning all the same.  You keep learning all the time, and I have a lot I need to learn in photography.  That might not make to much sense how I put that...: )

: D

I Like this one, he is so cute!  I tried with his back to the setting sun, using just the on camera flash and it worked pretty good!

A graduation gift!  Psalm 23 bracelet. 

I have been working on a cafe press store and here on two pictures I took yesterday and I used them on products! Yes, that is my Bible staring in the pictures!  Well, it's not "my" Bible but...I didn't write it or anything and it is God's. : )

Tonight we have some company visiting for dessert, the Pastor and his wife from the church we have been visiting.  I hope that goes well!  In my devotion time this morning I looked up compassion, and read a passage that listed some things we should be, and compassion was the first thing!  This means we should be compassionate, right?! I think so...

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