My printing place that I found, and am going to use for my photography, has "trading cards." So I thought it would be neat, to make some with my little brother, Jonathan's picture on it. I used a picture of him and his glove & ball, that we had taken when we had done our, "yearly pictures" So...we got his weight, height, and also came up with a team name. Secretly. And I ordered them along with my "test" order from this printing place I wanted to try...and now really like!!!
It is kind of a long story about were the name "came" from. Here it goes...: )
My Aunt and Uncle in Oregon, have a friend, Roger, and I think one year we invited him to come for Christmas at G&G's house. Well, he has since been coming to our Christmases in Washington every year! Neat! I think he really enjoys it and so have we. Although it will be different now, once G&G move out here! : ( Aunt Lora had contacted us a few years ago and thought it would be nice for us to call and sing Happy Birthday to him. Well, we got his answering machine, and left his present. Later, he said that at first we sounded like Chipmunks! So, that is how we got our kinda nickname that he calls us kids. He even addressed a package of apple juice that he sent to us, To: The Chipmunks.
So, we were thinking of a name for our Backyard team(which I really was needing for the trading/baseball cards 4 Jonathan)...and I thought of the Chipmunks! Hahah! : )....after a bunch of other things I had thought of. ; )
Well, that is what we decided on, it seemed like a fine name!
Now it is time to unveil the Official Logo, of the Moundridge Chipmunks!
Now to Jonathan's Birthday, we were needing a baseball logo for his birthday cake. Mom made the cake and he helped was a baseball field. What we needed the logo for, was the flags we were going to make to go in the three outfield corners. At first they were thinking of just using a MLB team, then we though about a chipmunk. So then, I thought it would be fun to make our own mascot, and so me and Jonathan got to work. ; ) I drew three different chipmunks, and we used the second one I had drawn. The first one reminded me of a little one inch baby in the womb! Hahaha...I won't show that one. ; )
Jonathan helped color the chipmunk and did a good job. : ) He did the blue on the jersey, and I did the red. He also did most of the brown on the chipmunk, not sure about the bat, and he did the glove. He is also the reason that it is a lighter color on the nose, his idea! It wound't be the same without JJ! Oh, yeah, he did the dot on top of the hat too!
The Baseball Cards came before his birthday, so I gave them to him then, and he like did Rachel, maybe even more then him. : )