
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Great News...

Recently, I ordered some business cards, and my Dad took a bunch to work.  One day, he said, "well, I think I got a job for you Sarah."  It was our old neighbors, and I got an email 2 days ago from the wife of the man that Dad works with.  They are wanting me to take some family pictures, of them and their daughter!   I, was like kinda freaking out...someone, I don't know very well want's me to take their pictures!...I'm just kinda that way. ; )   It is kind of scary when you don't have very much experience! ; )  BUT, I am very excited!  I thank the Lord!  I was beginning to worry when I didn't hear back from her right away!!!!!  So, oh, and I got all the recording done for my Christmas present! is a picture of my precious piano!

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