
Friday, January 25, 2013

Focus Friday!

Here is what I decided to take a picture of today for Focus Friday!!!

*Click to see bigger and clearer! (is that a word? ; )
The picture didn't quite turn out the way that I wanted, but with a little editing it got a
little closer to it! ; )  This is the center piece that I came up with one day to put on our dinning room table.  (I think it will be fun to buy stuff and decorate when I have a house of my own!!! ; )

So...this was my second week of working four days and it went fine!  I'm not ready to go back next week yet...but maybe by Monday I'll be rested up! : )  Today Robert wanted to play basketball with me so I went out and shot baskets with him.  It was actually fun!!!  Robert said, "let's play pig!" I didn't really want to cause I figured he could shoot better and farther than I could and I would loose.  But...we did play pig and....he won the first game then I won the second game!  During that game that I won, I had the lead shot and it was P-P.  I shot from the spot by the fence that is not to far away from the basket, and at like a 45 degree angle...I made it....Robert made it...I made it...he made it...I don't know how many times we both made it but it was a lot!  I was trying to put the presser on and make him miss! : )  And it was kinda to fun to stop, I was like let's see who misses first!! ; ) I can't believe that we made that many...just right after the other! : D  I was the first one to miss though.  But then a little bit later Robert missed so I had the lead shot again, so I went back to that spot. ; )  AND, I ended up getting the point at that same spot...just a little latter! ; ) I was like, "I had to earn that one! 
Then Robert won the next game (the third and final game)...he said lets play one more since we had both won a game, and that person will be like the champion.  "Ok," I said, "I'll go with that!"  "At least I won one game!!!"  I was thrilled when I won that game! ; )  I threw the ball up in the air! : D

Then this afternoon, Jonathan was wanting to sew a number seven onto one of his t-shirts to make a jersey.  I didn't realize what he was doing at first, but he was cutting out the number from one of Dad's old t-shirts and laying out pieces on his shirt to make the number.  I was wanting to fix the hem on one of the shirts that Robert didn't want and I had gotten, so I went ahead and got my sewing machine out!  One of those creative adventures that sounded kinda fun...I didn't know if my sewing machine would even do the zig-zag for the edge of the number, because one time I thought I tried to do some of the fancy stitches and I couldn't get it to work.  But, it did work!  I did my shirt first because there was the dark blue thread still on from when I made my skirt...the one with the ruffle and lace around the bottom!!!  Then once I got that done, I worked on Jonathan's shirt.  Mom said that we could just sew around the number first with just a straight stitch, then go back around and do the zig-zag around the edge.  So, I did that and me and Jonathan decided that maybe we would just leave it that way, but then I did the zig-zag across the number, in this one place where the number over lapped, and we thought it looked so cool that maybe we COULD do it all the way around!!! ; )  So, I did and it turned out pretty good!  We had fun...I wasn't eve sure if we would be able to do it.  I didn't know if you would be able to sew up there on the shirt, and not have problems.  But, you could!  <3 Jonathan would hold the thread and bobbin thread while I got the shirt all pushed under the foot and positioned...and keep holding it till I started sewing! ; D  I thought that taking a picture of MY sewing machine would be fun, sooo that might be next week's, "Focus Friday" picture! ; )

That's all for now! took long enough! ; )  But, it's always fun to go back and read what you it's worth it! : )
~ Sarah

Friday, January 18, 2013

Focus Friday!!!

I was sitting at my computer today and I all of a sudden realized that it was Friday again! ; )  OH, no, I have to post a picture today! ; )
This week I started working four days a week...I had been working just Monday and Tuesday, now I am going to work Monday through Thursday!  I could tell I was more tired the last two days when I got up then I normally am, but it wasn't too bad during the day and everything!  Last night though I was really tired and I was sitting on the couch watching TV and I was just kinda like zoned out...Mom said she could tell I was tired!  It was weird because I think I was registering what they were saying on the tv but I still felt tired!  : )   Work really is going good!  I am feeling like I am getting more and more used to it, and I am understanding how everything works when they explain it to me.  Now just to remember it all!  I hope that when I mess up I can handle it ok, and don't just start crying! ...I don't like messing up, making other people upset with me and letting them down. : )  One day I had hot chocolate at 2:00 break and I really liked that, it tasted so good!  Mom got some more at Dollar Tree today so I can have some more while I'm at work..yeah just one dollar for a whole box! : D

OK!!!  Here is the picture that I did today!  The rings are my Mom and Dad's rings, the Bible is mine, and the light purple flowers is close to the the color that was their actual wedding color!!!  I set it up in my room: I had my ceiling light on, then I used my night stand lamp and set it right beside and to the left of the Bible, I also set the lamp on a few books to get more of the light onto the Bible and the rings.  There is just a "bunch" of fake flowers set behind the Bible that I used to decorate Mom and Dad's room! (I cleaned up the top of there dressers and did a little decorating in their room just for fun..and for Mom...and it turned out awesome and Mom loves it!) : )
Mom though it would be cool to get a print of this picture and hang it in their room!  She wants to do something above their bed because it is bare with nothing on that wall, so maybe this would be something we could use for that!!!  I think it would look best to get a larger print then an 8x10!

If you click on the picture you can see it a whole lot better!!!

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.

Proverbs 24:3-4 

When I read this verse awhile ago I wrote it down in my little horse notebook, I wrote a little note that this would be a perfect verse to use in a display for a couple in their know like with a wedding or engagement picture with the verse in some sort of a frame...a picture/decoration you could hang on your wall.  Maybe you could even put the date of your wedding on this too...I saw a friend do this for her engagement day, she used a frame with a mat that had several spaces that she put her engagement pictures in, then she did a little scrap booking and put letters and numbers on the mat with the date of their engagement!!!  I love this idea!!! I think it would be so special!!! : )  So MAYBE, you could do a little combination of these two or engagement pictures, the perfect verse and the date of that special day!!!

Well, I guess that's it for now until....probably next friday...if I survive another week at work! ; )

~ Sarah...Plain and Tall

Friday, January 11, 2013

Introducing ~ Focus Friday!!!

Wow, what a few months!!!  It's been so much fun since we helped move G&G S., having them so close to stop for lunch, have them over for dinner and lots of other things!  I started my first job...which is going well, and I start 4 days next week!  ; )  I am not looking forward to having to get up and 5 every morning, but I am excited to have a challenge and be earning double what I was since I am doubling my days!!!  I am so blessed and I know God worked this job out for me!  It is so is just about as perfect as it could get! ; )  Sooo...I WILL have friday's off, and I had this idea that I could post a picture every FRIDAY!  I know that I thought I could try and do that every day and that never happened, and now it will working I KNOW that won't be happening. ; )  Working just takes a lot of time away with getting up early, being tired after you get home.  I am realizing what it is like to work, and that I don't really like it!  I don't think I will ever like going to work, I guess because I have been home all my life I just like that so much better...I was so blessed!  So, back to this morning I then thought of what I could call these picture posts, and I thought of Fabulous Friday, Fantastic Friday.  Then I though of Focus Friday!  Maybe partly because my boss, Evy wrote on her blog about being focused on Christ and her family...I really liked that post!  But any way I thought it was perfect, focus is a photography term and I am going to be posting pictures that I took that week!  I decided on that name so here goes the first...and hopefully not the last...; )

Focus Friday!!!

Yesterday I was at work, and it rained pretty good in the morning and was an overcast day.  I saw outside the window at work that the bush had all these water drops all over the branches!  I thought it would be fun to try and take some cool pictures of them, so I called my Mom at break and when she came to pick me up after work, she brought my camera and I took some pictures!  It was a kinda hard to get it in focus with the branches being so small....but what an amazing picture happens when it is in FOCUS!!!'s the same way with our life as well!!!!  When our life is focused on Jesus, our life is a BEAUTIFUL picture!