
Thursday, April 5, 2012

No Camera still worked...and the stars were bright...night photography! ; )

One night, our electricity to the whole town went out during a storm.  There were about 25 polls down between here and Mcpherson!  Anyway, the next night, probably since the lights in town weren't on, you could really see the stars!  So, I did some night photography!!  Here were the results! 

 I actually cropped this one of the moon...I can't get this zoomed in with my 50mm lens.

Wow, Huh!  God's World!

The electricity came on shortly after this that night.  It was crazy that it only took them just over 24 hours to replace that many polls!  Dad hooked up our generator up to the furnace, and the fridge and freezer the morning after it went out.  Then at one point that morning for something to do, Mom unplugged the furnace and plugged in the tv to watch a movie. Then after that the generator wasn't working...that shouldn't of happened but it did.  Dad came home from work, and he found that there was not very much electricity coming out of the generator at all.  The motor was working fine but the out put of elec. was not.  Dad was sick out isn't that old and has very few hours. : (  So, Dad borrowed a generator from work, and brought it when he came home from work.  Then, after he got home, we all went to Wichita to buy a new one, and get something to eat.  We stopped in newton on the way home and ate at Arby's!   Once we got home, Dad got the generator from work, going. and got the new one out.  So while he...and Robert were outside working on that, I was taking pictures!...with the loud generator going!  Then, I was inside and the lights came back on...I wasn't quite sure what happened, it took me a minute! : )  How did those lights get turned on? : D  After all that we didn't need that generator!  But now we have one that works...for the next time!

P.S.  With no lights on in the street lights looked weird out!  Like blue and dusky...: )

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pure Actions for Photographers Giveaway!

I saw on FB that Pure Actions for Photographers is doing a giveaway, and if I share it I can get another point, I think...  The giveaway is an ExpoDisc.  It is for achieving a custom white balance in your camera, so you don't have to do so much in editing!

Here is a link to their blog post where they explain how the ExpoDisc works and how to enter if you want...and they have two pictures for examples!  It Looks cool!

Ok...I do have two blog post too that I need to get done!  Maybe by the end of the week!

~ Sarah