
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Focus Friday..."s" ; )

Oh....Boy!  I haven't done a post in forever!!! ; )  Well, here are a few pictures to cover the last several....months! : )

My Awesome piano birthday cake my Mom made for me!!!  I loved it!

Little purple flowers by our garage...

Here's some fun pictures, not edited but...I'm going to post them anyway...I love these! : D

Being Silly! : D


Ice storm in April...poor Lilac bush!

Apple editing I don't pretty!

Pretty evening light!

 I picked these wildflowers at the park, and I put them in a vase on top of the bookshelf in the dinning room.  I took some pictures of them by the window....

Me and my brother rode down to the park so I could take some pictures!

 I LOVE the light in this one below!
 These are the two kinds of flowers that were in the vase earlier!

I cropped this one below make it look like an old photo...but I couldn't get the action to work that I wanted to use to make it, "look old" for now this is all I got! : (

The sky was blown out, (to bright) and the sun wasn't in the right I used an action and added a, "fake sun!"

Kansas Wheat Field 
"the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few..."


This day was especially fun because it was the first 4th of July to have both Grandparents here! :D  Fun day!  At one point, one of the fireworks that shot flaming balls tipped over towards us and....nop it wasn't done shooting...I grabbed my camera on the tripod and ran to get out of the way!  That was a first, we hand't ever had anything like that happen before! ; )

Taking advantage of the neighbors big nice fireworks!!! ; )

Sparklers! : D

One time I rode my bike down to the park...and I found these cute little flowers growing all along the pond.  I just loved how detailed it yes I had to take a picture of it!  I now see these flowers all over especially where it is wet like in ditches.

Another trip to the park! : )  I love this one too!

Ok...finally...: )  I took this one tonight!  I watch a video on how someone took a macro wedding ring shot and they had some really good I had to try it!!! : D  It really helped!  Fun learning new things!!!

                                           ~Sarah Jane

Friday, March 1, 2013

Focus Friday!!!

Well....I never did post a picture...or the "pictures," I was going to do for last weeks Focus I am going to do a double one this week!  And, YES there are lots of get ready! ; )  Last Thursday we had a HUGE snow storm!!!  It didn't snow at all last year were it stuck on the ground, just snowed a little but never stuck.  So this was the first snow we have had in a while!  And I guess it all came and once! ; )  We had close to foot....Dad had brought home a 4x4 pickup since he knew it was going to snow, and Thursday morning he was going to take me to work, but Evy called and said not to come in at least yet, and she never called back so I didn't have to go to work that day!  Although it bugged me not knowing if she was going to call and I was going to have to go in. So, when Dad went to leave... (yeah he was going to work....Crazy!) there was already a couple or so inches on the ground where he had shoveled! less than an hour! : )  I remember looking at the foot prints Dad had left on the back porch and seeing how deep it was...and he had shoveled the porch off, and he was leaving two inch footprints! : ) Oh, yeah and when Dad came in from shoveling earlier, the back of his coat was cover with snow!  It was snow in so steady and fast!  I asked him, "Did you lay in the snow!" ; )

Here is some pictures I took that day!

That morning the poor birds were all landing all over the platform feeder trying to find the food!
Excuse the bad coloring and all, I must not have had it on the best setting.  But I wanted to include them as they document what happened!!; )

<3 Robert's bird feeders caught snow and shows just how much snow we got!

I couldn't get it to focus very good...being so far away, but it still is cool!

I took these with our family's camera so, the quality might not be the same as if I had taken them with my camera...but it was a lot easier! ; )  And that way I didn't have to worry about getting mine was still snowing nicely!  But I love how they turned out and I think I captured some great memories! : D

The snow flakes were funny, they were long and skinny shaped! : ) Kinda like small rice!

I was trying to show how much snow we got...Love it!



DUMP!...He's so cute!

Robert was really nice and took my picture for me!

I notice today how you can see the snow on the tip of his boot! <3

Snow on the bench...


A little snow drift on the side of our house!

I got to wear these boots...they are dad's old boots, and Robert wore them once before, but they were to tight for him so I got to where them!!!  They were sooo nice and warm!!!

Ok!!!!  And now for this weeks, Focus Friday!!!