
Thursday, June 30, 2011

First Post - Memories

Yesterday I went to put some of my dishes away in my closet (I collect wexford glass dishes)  that I had out for various reasons.  I thought I would write down in a diagram exactly where the boxes were with certain dishes.  They I wanted to better arrange all the boxes in my closet.  I took out my shoe rack that I had hanging up on the cloths bar, and I am going to put my shoes somewhere else in the closet.  I then slid the hanging clothes all the way down to the end of the bar.  Where I was going with the MEMORIES title of the post was I went through the 2 boxes and a tub of my doll stuff that were in my closet...well the tub was under my bed.  When I was younger I purchased a medium sized doll at K-Mart.  I think it was on sale because they were closing....maybe 10 dollars.  I loved playing with it like it was a real baby!  I used baby clothes from my brother Jonathan.  That is so much more realistic that fake doll clothes!  I have a friend who I liked to play with and got a lot of cool ideas from.  Like using real dippers...I reused them though so we didn't have to buy more.  ; ) I had a "real"  binky with the nipple cut off so it would fit into my baby's mouth.  I had a carseat, a doll crib that my Grandma played with when she was little, a dipper bag and an empty baby food jar, and a travel wet wipe container.  I have all kinds of cool things that I played with!

Going through this stuff made me kind of want to go back for a a day of playing with my baby and not a care in the word....see what it was like as it has been so long ago it's hard to remember exactly.
I had to keep some of the clothes and of coarse the dipper bag, Doll, carseat and other small things.  Just getting rid of things that aren't necessary to keep for memory sake.  It is now down to one box and tub. : )  Oh, there are sweet memories.

Today I helped my little sister Rachel, almost 5 years old, organize her doll stuff.  We carried the big...heavy "doll" tub from the main floor, upstairs to her room.  We...mostly me, put stuff into piles.  I gave Rachel some of the "real" baby clothes that fit her doll that I didn't want.  She has this baby dresser that came from Grandma who works at Wal-Mart.  It is one of those displays in the baby department.  So we...I put the clothes and blankets in the cubard.  She picked out the blanket to put on the changing table.  I put the bottles and toys on the shelf.  I also talked her into having the extra purple stuffed dog that is just like the one I had as a toy for my doll...thought that would be neat!  I gave her some dippers but she doesn't like them on her baby. : (  Oh well.  Oh, yeah, and Jonathan(a big strong man of 7) carried Rachel's doll crib from G&G G. up to her room too from the play room closet.  I hope she enjoys all this!

Rachel's Doll